Sunday, September 28, 2008

i'm back! i have alot to say, but i don't what to say. so i'll just let it flow.

i want to be heard, i want to say things that i keep in my pandora box. but i can't, and i won't. the words that i hide, is like pandora's box, it will let loose chaos and wreck my life. love can only move so much.i kind of discovered something, or rather derived with my theory. and it hurts me like a searing fire racing through my lifeline. i have let loose pandora's box on myself.if only i could stop thinking.


paws of kangaROO @ 4:06 AM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


i'm tired.night.

paws of kangaROO @ 9:08 AM

damn it. my mother dearest has been on my case alot lately.she's like i want you to experience life. i'm like ya i know, i just want to do it on my own terms. i want to swe the world, but not using your money and not when i'm suppose to be a student. stop forcing me to do things. stop making decisions for me, it's time for me to make my own decisions. even if it takes me the wrong way, at least it's my life i chose to lead. iwanna talk to you. just be a wta. haha. you'll never know what it stand for.

paws of kangaROO @ 9:02 AM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

haha i worked!!! at... guess where!!! somewhere far....far... far away....EXPO!!!!!!!! all i did was sort books and arrange books. arranging books is the worst! it's a never-ending war.. the minute it's sorted, it's messed up again... damn it....angry angry...but it's over and the moolah is GOOOOOODDD!!!

LUCKY MING MING!!! got to go to the flyers! lucky lucky!!! hope you last long long with david!

hmmmm....i think i MIGHT go jogging tml...MIGHT.....

I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!! IT'S SO SLACK!!!! I WISH EVERYDAY IS A HOLIDAY... OH WAIT! IT IS!!!!.... until school starts....damnit!

haha okok i got a joke!!!

what did the boy octopus said to the girl octopus?

i want to hold your hand. hand. hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.

haha funny!??!??!!


i had a great time with B.

paws of kangaROO @ 8:16 AM